Give your Annovi Reverberi AR30 Diaphragm Pump a complete restore by replacing any damaged diaphragms or valves with the replacements included in this Annovi Reverberi AR30-RKBLUE Complete BlueFlex Diaphragm and Valve Repair Kit.
This repair kit includes all the required parts you need to get your Annovi Reverberi AR30 Diaphragm Pump back to excellent working condition. The diaphragms should be replaced every 3 months or after 500 hours of use, while the valves and o-rings should be replaced every 6 months or after 1000 hours of use.
The BlueFlex diaphragms use some of the best material available to enable use with general agricultural chemicals, as well as some of the more aggressive chemicals. The shape and thickness of the diaphragms have been carefully optimized to reduce mechanical stresses during the pump's working cycle, even under tough operating conditions.
Can be used with the following Annovi Reverberi Diaphragm Pumps: AR30-SP, AR30-GR3/4-GCI, AR30-SP/A3/4.
Annovi Reverberi AR30-RKBLUE Complete BlueFlex Diaphragm and Valve Repair Kit includes: